How do I access and use Colourbox?

How do I set up my Colourbox account?

Create a new personal account at To apply the educational access to your account, email the Library at for the current Educational Key and enter the Key at In the field "Type your key here," insert the Key and click "Send."

What is educational access?

Educational Access allows users to download 30 items from the catalog each month until the Key expires on September 1st. Downloads are licensed for educational use.

What is "educational use"?

Educational use allows students to use Colourbox media in their coursework and assignments. Faculty may use media for lectures, presentations, course materials, etc. When a project, paper, or presentation is made public, sold, or otherwise distributed to an audience outside of the school, it is no longer considered educational use, and the work needs a regular, commercial license for distribution.

Can a student use Colourbox media if they make a project for a professional portfolio, or in works that turn into a commercial job?

Yes. A student can do this if they buy the rights to use the media commercially from a separate account like any other commercial customer.

Can faculty members use Colourbox media commercially?

Yes. Faculty members can use Colourbox media for ArtCenter marketing purposes if they are a regular user on the account. If faculty use the media for their own projects they must buy the rights to use the media commercially from a separate account like any other commercial customer.

How do I renew my Educational Access?

Students, faculty and staff can renew their access rights after September 1st by emailing the Library for the annual new Key, then apply the new Key to their account at In the field "Type your key here," insert the new key and click "Send."


  • Last Updated Feb 19, 2024
  • Views 86
  • Answered By Christina Eilar

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