What happened to Gnomon Workshop?


Unfortunately, we no longer offer Gnomon's digital platform through the library due to a few reasons:

1) New subscription system: The new subscription model offered through Gnomon no longer allows everyone simultaneous access. We would have to purchase individual subscriptions in order for students or faculty to view content. More technically speaking, they no longer offer IP authentication as a system where everyone can sign in to view content. It is now done through an individual subscription plan that only allows one user per license at a time to check out content. That means that only one person assigned to a license a month can view anything on their platform (even if it is only for a 5-minute matte painting tutorial). Currently, we do not have the ability to manage individual licenses for an entire campus (each with their own account credentials).

In summary, the new model is not library-friendly. We could easily spend our entire budget (and more) on licenses just to keep ED and Illustration students on their platform, and we also do not have the staff time to manage every single account tied to Gnomon.

2) Low overall usage: The library could not move forward with renewing Gnomon due to the first reason outlined above, but also as a combined factor of low overall usage. According to our statistics, only a small handful of people viewed the content each term. Unfortunately, this factored in to our decision to weigh the overall high cost of this resource in combination with the required management of individual licenses. 

  • Last Updated May 19, 2021
  • Views 108
  • Answered By Maria Trakovsky

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