Do you have any suggestions for self-care resources while I am working or learning from home?


Self-care is especially important for all students, faculty, and staff during this time. To promote both physical and psychological well-being, the ArtCenter Library has put two resources together, Health and Wellness: Safer at Home and Arts – Feed Your Soul

The Health and Wellness guide is filled with tips that we can all practice from the safety of our home during the coronavirus pandemic including finding trusted information on COVID-19, setting up an ergonomic home workstation, information on mental health, and much more.

The Arts guide brings together virtual spaces from the visual and performing arts that can be enjoyed for free, safely at home. Offerings include places to stream films, listen to music, and see dance.

Want us to include your favorite health-and-wellness tip or include your favorite museum, musician, or another resource? Please email us.


  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2020
  • Views 37
  • Answered By Jennifer Faist

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