What kinds of magazines does the Library have?


The ArtCenter Library has a comprehensive collection of print magazines devoted mainly to art and design. The main focus is visual communication. This gem of a collection contains more than 400 print magazine titles, ranging from transportation design to graphics, from painting to new media, from culture to sport and across many other disciplines and areas of study at ArtCenter and beyond. The Library collects key titles in areas such as photography, film history and production, product and environmental design, illustration, graphic design, fine art and contemporary culture.

You can check out most of our magazines, but some rare examples may be Reference or in Special Collections and are meant to be carefully studied in the Library only. The current issues must be used in the library only as well. However, we often have years of back issues that may be checked out just like books and renewed.

If we don't have a magazine that you are looking for, you may suggest a new title by filling out a Request a Purchase form.

In addition to the latest issues, the ArtCenter Library’s Magazine Collection includes historically important journals such as Vogue from the 1940s and earlier decades, Ladies Home Journal published in the early 1900s, Life magazine from the postwar era, as well as more recently published influential magazines such as Colors–enabling the study of many titles long recognized for their significance. Importantly, our magazines always retain the original ads of their time, making them invaluable to those who are interested in the history of design and advertising.

In addition to print, some of our journals (such as Lürzer’s Archive or Digital Creativity are also available digitally, through the Online Resources section of the library website or through the various databases we subscribe to. If you have any questions, feel free to ask at the Research Help Desk to get guidance in accessing a resource.

For specific inquiries, new title suggestions or special requests, please contact Maria Trakovsky, Serials Coordinator.


  • Last Updated May 13, 2021
  • Views 47
  • Answered By Jennifer Faist

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